
Improving Education

We must continue to implement reforms that strengthen our students’ reading and critical thinking skills at an early age and give them the foundation that will enable them to excel in high school, college, and technical schools. This starts with giving parents more control and more options, as well as retaining quality teachers. 

Ensuring Available and Affordable Healthcare

Too many of our families are struggling to get the primary care they need. These challenges are leading to long-term health issues that are keeping children out of school, leaving parents unable to work, and making our elderly vulnerable. We must increase access to insurance, doctors, clinics, and affordable medications.

Furthermore, mental health awareness and treatment options are essential, and we must be diligent in addressing this issue.

Protecting Our Land, Waterways, and Natural Resources

Recent efforts by companies to build carbon injection wells right here in our district threaten our natural resources with little-to-no economic benefit to our communities. The good people who use our waterways and local land for commercial and recreational purposes must be protected. They deserve a strong voice and advocate in their corner.

We need a smarter approach to balance economic development and job creation with the protection of natural resources in critical areas of the state.

Promoting Smart Economic Growth

Louisianans like winning in everything we do but for too long, we’ve been falling short in the competition for jobs, losing big projects to other states. To climb the rankings, we need to reform our tax code, invest in better infrastructure, and put an emphasis on continued worker education and training.

Working On Flooding Issues

It seems that every day, a different insurance company decides to stop offering policies in Louisiana and leaves our families and businesses in a bind. Resolving this crisis requires fixing our flooding and drainage issues. That means we must invest in long-term infrastructure solutions that are based on population and rainfall trends.

Cutting Government Waste and Protecting Taxpayers

We can’t live beyond our means. When families do, it leads to tough decisions and belt-tightening. State government shouldn’t be allowed to spend recklessly. We must cut out wasteful and fraudulent programs that abuse taxpayers so that we can truly invest in our people, our state, and a prosperous future.

Fully Funding Law Enforcement and Cleaning Up Our Streets

The spike in violence, drug abuse, and property crimes is taking its toll on our communities. After radical leftists yelled about defunding the police and denigrated our courageous public servants who put on the uniform every day, recruiting became a massive challenge. If we are going to clean up our streets, we need to fully fund our police, increase recruiting of top candidates, and develop neighborhood-by-neighborhood outreach.

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